1. His family (come back) to Turkey last Monday.

2. They (live) in this street all their life.

3. I (be) at primary school from 20012 to 2016.

4. She(get) some good news last month.

5. We (go) to France in 2010 and 2016.

6. They first (meet) in 2019. So they(know) each other for 1 year.

7. He (see) this film and he doesn’t want to see it again.

8. Paul (eat, never) Chinese food before.

9. Polly (start) school when she was seven years old. ЗАРАНЕЕ

999Roman999999991 999Roman999999991    1   07.12.2020 14:05    1

KMasha11 KMasha11  06.01.2021 14:06

1. His family come back to Turkey last Monday.

2. They have live in this street all their life.

3. I have be at primary school from 20012 to 2016.

4. She get some good news last month.

5. We were go to France in 2010 and 2016.

6. They first met in 2019. So they know each other for 1 year.

7. He watched this film and he doesn’t want to see it again.

8. Paul never eatin Chinese food before.

9. Polly starting school when she was seven years old.

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