1. His book is ... than her book. (interesting)
2. That is ...story in the book. (funny)
3. Jane is ...of five girls. (beautiful)
4. This river is ... than that river. (long)
5. January is the ...month of the year (cold)
6. She is ...than I. (tall)
7. This is the ... day in my life. (happy)
8. Nick is...than Rick (strong)
9.She is...student in her class. (good)​

gabpara007 gabpara007    1   30.04.2020 19:49    0

pro100leramakh pro100leramakh  24.08.2020 11:38
1. more interesting
2. the funniest
3. the most beautiful
4. longer
5. coldest
6. taller
7. happiest
8. stronger
9. the best
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