1. his advice/advices is/are always useful. 2. where is/are the money/moneys? 3. this/these is/are very interesting information. 4. his clothes is/are very dirty. 5. have you got any new/news from your mum? 6. is/are there any coffee/coffees in the coffeepot? 7. ann has done/made some mistakes. 8. did mark manage doing/to do this? 9. the woman suggested to write/writing to her brother. 10. we agreed to listen/listening to pete’s opinion. 11. don’t worry! just do/make your best. 12. the girl gets up early in the morning, does/makes her bed and goes to school. 13. if i saw your sister i will help/ would help/ would have helped her. 14. my brother will enter/ would enter/ would have entered the university next year if he is not ill. 15. my mother asked me don’t come/ not to come home late. 16. my father made me do/ to do my homework in english. 17. our teacher asked us what our plans are/ were/ will be. 18. i want to know where is jack/ where jack is. 19. our friends told us that they would come/ will come to see us on monday. 20. my father managed repairing/ to repair me bicycle.

Pro228Pro Pro228Pro    3   02.09.2019 09:00    2

Ника72432525 Ника72432525  06.10.2020 11:33
1. His advice is always useful.
2. Where is the money ?
3. This is very interesting information.
4. His clothes is very dirty.
5. Have you got any news from your mum?
6. Are there any coffee in the coffeepot?
7. Ann has made some mistakes.
8. Did Mark manage doing this?
9. The woman suggested to writing to her brother.
10. We agreed to listening to Pete’s opinion. 
11. Don’t worry! Just make your best.
12. The girl gets up early in the morning, makes her bed and goes to school.
13. If I saw your sister I would help her.
14. My brother will enter the university next year if he is not ill.
15. My mother asked me not to come home late.
16. My father made me  to do my homework in English.
17. Our teacher asked us what our plans will be.
18. I want to know where is Jack.
19. Our friends told us that they would come to see us on Monday.
20. My father managed to repair me bicycle.
vikasm2001 vikasm2001  06.10.2020 11:33
8.to do
9.to write
13.would have helped
14.would enter
15.not to come
18.where Jack is
19.will come
20.to repare
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