1. "Helen will return from New York next week," Nick said.
2. "You must order the tickets in advance," Linda said to her husband.
3. "You are not allowed to take pictures," the museum guide said.
4. "You can bring your passport tomorrow," the police officer told me.
5. "Were looking for an interesting destination now," they said.
6. "I visited France last year," Ted said.
7. "I have never travelled”, the girl told his friends.
8. "We didnt enjoy our trip," Mary and Tom told me.
9. "I was late this morning," Sara said.

2. Переделайте в косвеннуюречь
“Could you tell me where the history Museum is?” the man said.(ask).
The man asked where the History Museum was.

1."Excuse me,what time does your bus arrive?" Samsaid to Lucy (ask)
2."Take some nice pictures inParis", Alice said to Carl.( tell)
3."What time are we flying tomorrow?"Dad wondered (ask)
4."Do not forget to bring your ID", Ann said to him (tell)
5."Did we miss the train?”, Mum said to me (ask)
6. "How old are you?" a shop assistant wanted to know (ask)

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