1. He will be promoted if he ... this task.
a) fulfill; b) fulfills; c) will fulfill; d) would fulfill

2. I ... if she hadn't cut her hair.
a) will recognise; b) would recognise; c) will have recognised; d) would have recognised

3. If you freeze water, it ... into ice.
a) turn; b) turns; c) will turn; d) would turn

4. If she ... to the station in time, she wouldn't have missed the train.
a) come; b) came; c) has come; d) had come

5. If I were you, I … him.
a) didn’t forgive; b) wouldn’t forgive; c) wouldn’t have forgiven; d) won’t forgive

6. I wish I ... Helen at the party yesterday.
a) met; b) didn’t meet; c) had met; d) would have met

7. If you see Brian today, ... him my phone number.
a) give; b) will give; c) may give; d) could give

8. Bill hasn't been able to settle down in several jobs. I wish his parents ... in his choice of career!
a) haven't interfered; b) didn't interfere; c) hadn't interfered; d) won't interfere

9. I wish you ... me what time you're going to be at home when you stay out late.
a) will tell; b) would tell; c) told; d) had told

10. Sally ... if she could hear this.
a) will burst out crying; b) would burst out crying; c) would have burst out crying; d) had burst out crying

kristpan2004p0c22v kristpan2004p0c22v    1   17.04.2020 12:44    1

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