1. He (opened/was opening) the door and (went/was going) away. 2. While (opened/opening) the door he (had remembered/remembered) he (didn’t phone/hadn’t phoned) Ann. 3. They never (had seen/saw) ice-cream before. 4. The father (hadn’t known/didn’t know) where he (met/had met) the boy before. 5. The little brother still (played/was playing) but Kathie already (had washed/was washing) the floor. 6. When his TV program (was beginning/began) Tom still (peeled/was peeling) potatoes. 7. The girl (didn’t read/hadn’t read) the novel to the end by evening. 8. The lesson still (had been/was) on but the students already (did/had done) the test.

гамов666 гамов666    1   23.04.2020 00:44    2

ladygagav ladygagav  13.10.2020 17:34
1. opened
2. was going
3. opening
4. had remembered
5. didn’t phone
6. seen
7. hadn’t known
8. met
9. was playing
10. had washed
11. began
12. was peeling
13. hadn’t read
14. was
14. has done
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