1.he (have waited\ have been waiting) for a reply several weeks and steal (have not received\ havent been receiving\ have received) any answer. 2.Galileo is supposed ( have invited \ having invented\ to invent\ to have invented) the telescope

3. it ( ought\ may/ will have to\ will ba able to) be cold tommorow

Будина05 Будина05    1   26.07.2020 00:19    1

LizaDemidova3101 LizaDemidova3101  15.10.2020 15:31

1. He has been waiting for a reply several weeks and still has not received any answer.

2. Galileo is supposed to have invented

3. It may be cold tomorrow

111111111176 111111111176  15.10.2020 15:31

1) has been waiting, hasn't received

2) to have invented

3) may

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