1.he gave me (two pieces of advice/two advices) 2.this girl would be perfect for this job , but we need someone with more (experience\experiances) 3. the news (is\are) great ! let`s listen to (it\them) all together. 4. the girl was nice and her clothes( was\were) expensive. 5. all her family (is\are) on holiday at the moment. you can phone (it\them) this week. 6. give me (a pair of trousers\ trousers). 7. she`s got seven (childs\children). 8. please bring me (another\ some other) water. 9. i like( fruit \ fruits), but i am not so keen on (vegetables\vegetable). 10.i need (some\an) information about this incident

софия725 софия725    2   19.05.2019 14:00    1

Chara5 Chara5  12.06.2020 17:52

1.two pieces of advice


3.is, it


5.are, them

6.a pair of trousers



9.fruits, vegetables


егорка140 егорка140  12.06.2020 17:52

1.he gave me (two pieces of advice/two advices) - во мн. числе НЕ употребляется

2.this girl would be perfect for this job , but we need someone with more (experience\experiances) - речь идет об опыте, а не об эскпериментах

3. the news (is\are) great ! let`s listen to (it\them) all together. - новостЬ - новостИ, всегда в ед. числе

4. the girl was nice and her clothes( was\were) expensive. - одежда - всегда мн. число

5. all her family (is\are) on holiday at the moment. you can phone (it\them) this week.

6. give me (a pair of trousers\ trousers). - брюки - всегда мн. число

7. she`s got seven (childs\children). - дети - слово-исключение

8. please bring me (another\ some other) water. - просят ДРУГУЮ воду (видимо, эта теплая или, наоборот, осень холодная, или по другой причине)

9. i like( fruit \ fruits), but i am not so keen on (vegetables\vegetable). - фрукты в мн. числе употребляется крайне редко, только есть речь идет о ВИДАХ фруктов, а овощи употребляется и в ед. и во мн. чсъисле)

10.i need (some\an) information about this incident - информация - неисчисляемое сущеествительно. с артиклем НЕ употребляется

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