1.he for our company since last year а. is working b. has worked c. has been working 2.the engineers won't start working until all the defects a. are eliminated b. aren't eliminated c. will be eliminated 3. mrs. wilson took her to a toy shop. a. five-year-old son b. five-years-old son c. five-year-son 4. new modern residential projects in the cties/ a. appear b. appears c.has appeared 5. much attention to the planting of greenery. a. is paid b. pays c. has paid

Marmar20052110 Marmar20052110    2   30.06.2019 04:00    1

Springtrap222134124 Springtrap222134124  23.07.2020 21:02
1 - c. 2 - a. 3 - a. 4 - a. 5 - a.
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