1 He (come) if you ask him 2 If you leave your keys with the hall porter he( to take) the car around the garage 3 It is nearly autumn ;soon the leaves (change) the color 4 If I (have) his phone number , I'd call him. 5 If I (be) you , I'd buy this dress 6 Is (travel) your hobby? 7 I look forwar to (hear) from you. 8 He didn't expect (see) Steve here. 9 I promise (take) her on a trip to Scotland. 10 When people (ARREST), they (TAKE) to the police station. Все речення, та всі розділові знаки 11 You (GIVE) your exam results next Monday. Тільки форму дієслова 12 At ten o'clock yesterday, the local bank (ROB). тільки форму дієслова 13 This task just (DO) by this student. тільки форму дієслова

Appolinaria1330 Appolinaria1330    3   19.05.2020 13:19    3

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