1. he always ……… home at 7 o’clock. a) come b) comes c) is coming 2. when …….. (she/see) him in the office yesterday? a) did she saw b) do she see c) did she see 3. we ………. to the party on saturday. would you like to come? a) going b) go c) are going 4. my english is ……… now than it was a year ago. a) bad b) worse c) badder 5. they ………. (not/stay) at luxury hotels when they are on holidays. a) don’t stay b) doesn’t stay c) isn’t stay 6. it ………. now. a) is rain b) rains c) is raining 7. he ………. school when he was sixteen. a) leaves b) left c) leaved 8. luxembourg is …….. country in the world. a) richer b) the most rich c) the richest 9. i ………. my friends for a long time. a) didn’t see b) don’t see c) haven’t seen 10. i have known svetlana …….. 2008. a) since b) for c) from

ДианаBerts ДианаBerts    3   22.05.2019 06:20    1

HappyMen11 HappyMen11  17.06.2020 08:56

1. comes

2. did she see

3. are going

4. worse

5. don't stay

6. is raining

7. left

8. the richest

9. haven't seen

10 since

anelya033 anelya033  17.06.2020 08:56

1) b, comes

2) c, did she see

3) c,are going

4)b, worse

5)a, don't stay

6)c, is raining

7)b, left

8)c, the richest

9)c, haven't seen

10)a, since


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