1. he a lot of mistakes in last test. a) have made b) have been making c) made 2. pupils of our class in five years. a) meet b)will meet c) met 3. i to tapes when they came. a) listened b)was listening c)were listening 4. mark to get a bigger vocabulary. a) wants b)have wanted c) want 5. we film in the original now. a) watch b)watched c)are watching 6. i ……. the piano for 3 years. a) have been playing b) have played c) play

его18 его18    1   05.05.2019 13:24    8

daffidovа daffidovа  09.06.2020 10:56

1 c 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 a

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