1. -have you got any gloves? -yes,i have got black … . a)one; b)ones; c)- 2. granny … a beautiful dress for me. a)has made b)is made c)was made 3. we have a lot of vegetables. you … buy any. a) mustn’t b)can’t c)don’t have to 4. the island … in the fifteenth century. a)has discovered b)was discovered c)is discovered 5. who … the text? a)has translated b)does translate c)did translate 6. i was late yesterday. it … me two hours to get to the museum. a)takes b)will take c)took 7. excuse me,but this is … chair. a)me b)my c)mine

Lizochka2007u Lizochka2007u    2   13.09.2019 10:10    5

eldos4 eldos4  07.10.2020 11:37
1. b) ones
2. a) has made
3. c) don’t have to
4. b) was discovered
5. a) has translated
6. c) took
7. b) my
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