1)harry the news yesterday when the telephone rang. 1.was watching 2.were watching 3.watching 2)the bear was the bread when julie entered the tent! 1.ate 2.were eating 3.eating 3)mary was dinner when john came home. 1.cooking 2.cooks 3.cooked 4)what were you at 6 pm yesterday? 1.do 2.doing 3.was doing 5)it all day when tony took a day off work. 1.were raining 2.was raining 3.raining when you rang the doorbell? 1.were they sleeping 2.they were sleeping 3.are they sleeping 7)i cartoon when sarah phoned. 1.watching 2.was watched 3.was watching 8)when she got up her mother . 1.were cooking 2.cooked 3.was cooking

nastyu24022005 nastyu24022005    1   13.09.2019 06:00    4

PollyFoxk2002 PollyFoxk2002  07.10.2020 11:13
1)1 2)3 3)1 4)2 не уверена 5)2 6)1 7)3 8)3
kaka932 kaka932  07.10.2020 11:13
1) was watching
2) eating
3) cooking
4) doing
5) was raining
6) Where they sleeping
7) was watching
8) was cooking
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