1 "Go to your room!” he said to me. (ORDER)
2 "Give me the book", she said to him. (ASK)
3 “I'm sorry I shouted at you," said Ulan.
4 "No, I won't go to the shop," he said to her.
5 "Would you like me to show you how to use
the cash register?" Sholpan said to Nurgul.

никто272 никто272    2   11.05.2021 10:07    2

vikaos01Vi vikaos01Vi  10.06.2021 10:11

He ordered me to go to my room.

She asked him to give her the book

Ulan apologised for shouting at me

He refused to go to the shop

Sholpan offered Nurgul to show how to use the cash register

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