1. Find the subject and the predicate in the following sentences. Make the sentences negative. Travel Agencies
1) The main function of any travel agency is to act as an agent.
2) This includes selling tickets and travel products, reservations, and so on.
3) Travel agencies do it on behalf of one or several suppliers.
4) Travel agents generally work with no charge to the traveller him or herself.
5) The travel agent takes a small commission from the overall cost.
6) Their commission is taken out of the advertised price.
7) Travel agents receive tickets at significant discounts.
8) There are a few different types of travel agents.
9) Different types of agencies provide different levels and types of services.
10) We should consider our individual needs, preferences, and trip objectives when choosing our travel agent.

2. Check the word order in the following sentences. Make necessary corrections.
1) to the general public, necessary travel information, provides, a retail travel agency.
2) the travel agent, the intending tourists, come, to the office of.
3) proposed visit, seek, information about, they, their.
4) the travel, people, should be, very knowledgeable, agents.
5) relating to travel, should supply, up to date and concrete information, they.
6) they, skills, must have, communication, great.
7) the potential customers, the art of catching, the travel agent, should be thorough in.
8) is a desirable qualification, a travel agency, the knowledge of foreign language, for those working in.
9) to choose, the potential tourist, a travel agent, the most convenient course, advises.
10) a great deal of initiative, and, this job, calls for, drive.

egorilin1626hdhudn egorilin1626hdhudn    3   28.10.2020 22:46    32

arshon1 arshon1  18.01.2024 09:00
1) The subject and the predicate in the following sentences are:
1) The main function of any travel agency is to act as an agent.
- Subject: The main function of any travel agency
- Predicate: is to act as an agent.
Negative form: The main function of any travel agency is not to act as an agent.

2) This includes selling tickets and travel products, reservations, and so on.
- Subject: This
- Predicate: includes selling tickets and travel products, reservations, and so on.
Negative form: This does not include selling tickets and travel products, reservations, and so on.

3) Travel agencies do it on behalf of one or several suppliers.
- Subject: Travel agencies
- Predicate: do it on behalf of one or several suppliers.
Negative form: Travel agencies do not do it on behalf of one or several suppliers.

4) Travel agents generally work with no charge to the traveller him or herself.
- Subject: Travel agents
- Predicate: generally work with no charge to the traveller him or herself.
Negative form: Travel agents generally do not work with no charge to the traveller him or herself.

5) The travel agent takes a small commission from the overall cost.
- Subject: The travel agent
- Predicate: takes a small commission from the overall cost.
Negative form: The travel agent does not take a small commission from the overall cost.

6) Their commission is taken out of the advertised price.
- Subject: Their commission
- Predicate: is taken out of the advertised price.
Negative form: Their commission is not taken out of the advertised price.

7) Travel agents receive tickets at significant discounts.
- Subject: Travel agents
- Predicate: receive tickets at significant discounts.
Negative form: Travel agents do not receive tickets at significant discounts.

8) There are a few different types of travel agents.
- Subject: There
- Predicate: are a few different types of travel agents.
Negative form: There are not a few different types of travel agents.

9) Different types of agencies provide different levels and types of services.
- Subject: Different types of agencies
- Predicate: provide different levels and types of services.
Negative form: Different types of agencies do not provide different levels and types of services.

10) We should consider our individual needs, preferences, and trip objectives when choosing our travel agent.
- Subject: We
- Predicate: should consider our individual needs, preferences, and trip objectives when choosing our travel agent.
Negative form: We should not consider our individual needs, preferences, and trip objectives when choosing our travel agent.

2) The correct word order in the following sentences:
1) A retail travel agency provides necessary travel information to the general public.
2) The intending tourists come to the office of the travel agent.
3) They seek information about their proposed visit.
4) People should be very knowledgeable travel agents.
5) They should supply up-to-date and concrete information relating to travel.
6) They must have great communication skills.
7) The travel agent should be thorough in the art of catching potential customers.
8) The knowledge of a foreign language is a desirable qualification for those working in a travel agency.
9) The potential tourist advises the most convenient course to choose a travel agent.
10) This job calls for a great deal of initiative and drive.
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