1. find the “odd one out” in each group. 1) penguin, ostrich, bee, owl 2) cockroach, goldfish, salmon, shark 3) ape, crocodile, bear, beetle 4) optimist, scientist, zoologist, biologist 2. put the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences and translate them in written form. 1) she likes…(fish) 2) i have given up …(study) french. 3) she suggested …(go) to the cinema, 4) he would like …(visit) spain. 5) my friend has finished …(do) his homework. 3. complete the sentences. form new words from the words in capital letters and translate the sentences in written form. 1) it’s cruel they animals are kept for fur have short and… lives.​happy 2) he couldn’t… these two things together.​​​connection 3) my sister is very…​​​​​​image 4) poor followers avoid…​​​​​​response 5) …are innovators.​​​​​​​lead 4. put the words in the right order and translate the sentences in written form. 1) meeting, him, i, forgot. 2) some, that, species, animal, endangered, for, are, fur, hunted, are. 3) a, very, complex, have, octopuses, system, nervous. 4) longer, water, than, can, survive, a rat, for, without, a camel. 5) the others, is, than, type, brain, of, is, no, there, that, better.

ryaskiniskander ryaskiniskander    3   07.05.2019 20:03    687

sevostyanova3064 sevostyanova3064  18.01.2024 12:58
1. "Find the odd one out" - This exercise tests your ability to identify which item does not belong in a given group. Let's work through each group together:

1) Penguin, ostrich, bee, owl - The odd one out is bee, as it is the only insect in the group, while the others are birds.
2) Cockroach, goldfish, salmon, shark - The odd one out is cockroach, as it is the only non-aquatic creature in the group, while the others live in water.
3) Ape, crocodile, bear, beetle - The odd one out is beetle, as it is the only insect in the group, while the others are larger animals.
4) Optimist, scientist, zoologist, biologist - The odd one out is optimist, as it is the only term related to personality or attitude. The others represent professions or fields of study.

2. "Put the verbs in the right form to complete the sentences and translate them in written form" - This exercise tests your understanding of verb forms and your ability to translate the sentences. Let's work on each sentence:

1) She likes fish. - Она любит рыбу.
2) I have given up studying French. - Я бросил изучение французского.
3) She suggested going to the cinema. - Она предложила пойти в кино.
4) He would like to visit Spain. - Он хотел бы посетить Испанию.
5) My friend has finished doing his homework. - Мой друг закончил делать свою домашнюю работу.

3. "Complete the sentences. Form new words from the words in capital letters and translate the sentences in written form" - This exercise involves forming new words and translating the sentences. Let's work on each sentence:

1) It's cruel that animals are kept for fur and have short and unhappy lives. - Это жестоко, что животных держат ради меха и у них короткая и несчастная жизнь.
2) He couldn't connect these two things together. - Он не мог связать эти две вещи вместе.
3) My sister is very imaginative. - Моя сестра очень фантазерка.
4) Poor followers avoid responding. - Бедные последователи избегают отвечать.
5) Leaders are innovators. - Лидеры являются новаторами.

4. "Put the words in the right order and translate the sentences in written form" - This exercise tests your sentence structure skills and requires you to arrange the words correctly. Let's work on each sentence:

1) I forgot meeting him. - Я забыл, что встречал его.
2) Some animal species are hunted for their fur and are endangered. - Некоторые виды животных охотятся ради их меха и находятся на грани исчезновения.
3) Octopuses have a very complex nervous system. - У осьминогов очень сложная нервная система.
4) A rat can survive longer without water than a camel. - Крыса может выжить дольше без воды, чем верблюд.
5) There is no type of brain that is better than the others. - Нет типа мозга, который был бы лучше других.

I hope these explanations and step-by-step solutions help you understand and tackle the questions. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
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