1. Fill the gaps with reflexive pronouns
(myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
I wrote this poem
My mother often talks to
Robert made this T-shirt
Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help
Alice and Doris collected the stickers
Emma, did you take the photo by
2. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. When Mum (open) the windows she (see) that the ground (be)
2. First I (tidy) the flat, then I (sit) down and (have) a
cup of tea.
3. Bob (feel) sick last night because he (eat) too many cakes at the
4. When Max (arrive) at the party he (learn) that Mary
(just / leave).
5. Mrs. Smith (be) very pleased to see that Jack (clean) the
6. Lisa (know) her husband for two years when they (get) married.
7. They (get) home to find that somebody (break) into their house.
8. Zoe (open) her handbag and (find) out that she (forget) her
credit card.
9. After visiting the library Sally (buy) some milk and (go) home.
10.When Pam (arrive) at the airport she (discover) she (forget)
her passport.
3. Find and correct the grammar mistakes. One sentences is correct.
Знайдіть і виправте граматичні помилки. Одне речення правильне.
1. My sister Molly lived in London before she had moved to New Zealand.
2. After Nick ate the sandwiches, he drank some juice.
3. Nick had eaten all the sandwiches, had drunk all the juice and had gone to work.
4. As Neil had missed the bus, he walked home.
5. Sandy just started to watch TV when the phone rang.

lazzat8 lazzat8    1   04.05.2020 19:48    1

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