1. Fill in the gaps with modal verb may, can or must (ответы запишите в таблицу).

1. You really … work harder if you want to pass that exam. 2. Many children in Britain … wear a uniform when they go to school. 3. My cousin … drive but he hasn’t got a car. 4. I am not sure where to go for my holidays but I … go to Italy. 5. When you come to London again, you … come and see us. 6. You … taste it if you like. 7. … you speak any foreign languages? 8. You … write to your parents. You haven’t written to them for ages. 9. The fare … be cheaper on Sundays but it’s worth checking. 10. Anyone … make a mistake. 11. The wires …touch or it won’t work. 12 … you see anything in this inky darkness?

2. Match the sentence beginnings and ends (ответ запишите в правую колонку)
1 You mustn't drink alcohol
2 You mustn't keep medicines
3 You don't have to be a member
4 You don't have to play golf well
5 Newspapers mustn't
6 You don't have to drink alcohol
7 Newspapers don't have to say
8 Children mustn't be allowed
9 You mustn't be surprised a. to enjoy it.
b. when you go into a pub.
с. if teachers object to the new curriculum.
d. to run up and down the aisle (проход

selivanovartem1 selivanovartem1    3   12.04.2020 16:29    1

Isabekov1 Isabekov1  18.08.2020 08:46

1) 1 must

2 may

3 can

4 can

5 may

6 can

7 can

8 must

9 may

10 can

11 must

12 can

2) 1f 2h 3e 4a 5i 6b 7g 8e 9c

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