1. fill in the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. a: what 1) (you/do) this evening? b: i 2) (play) tennis with pete. we settled it last monday. a: 3) (you/speak) to kate yesterday? b: no, she 4) (sleep) when i called. a: sue looked really tired yesterday, didn't she? b: yes, she 5) (study) all night for the exam. a: when 6) (you/meet) phil? b: a couple of weeks ago. we 7) (walk) along the beach when i saw him. a: did you watch the film yesterday? b: no, it 8) (finish) by the time we got home. 2. choose the correct answer. 1. ‘i about buying a new car for long.’ ‘really? what sort of car? ’ a have been thinking b was thinking c thought 2. ‘i feel very tired.’ ‘how can you be tired? you a thing during a day. a didn’t do b aren’t doing c haven’t done 3. ‘whose is this earring? ’ ‘i don’t know. i found it while i the house. a had cleaned b was cleaning c am cleaning 4. ‘the restaurant was packed last night.’ ‘yes. luckily, i a table in advance.’ a was booking b had booked c booked 5. ‘what were you doing this time last year? ’ ‘oh! it was splendid! my wife and i, we most of the time on the beach.’ a spent b had spent c were spending

viginipinigivini viginipinigivini    3   30.07.2019 12:50    1

tatianani tatianani  03.10.2020 17:37
Упражнение 1 :
1. do you do
2. am playing
3. Did you speak
4. was sleeping
5. had been studying
6. did you meet
7. were walking
8. had finished

упражнение 2 :
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
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