1. fill in prepositions where necessary.(вставьте нужные предлоги) 1. who can make amendments … the constitution? 2. when did japan declare war …russia? 3. the congress has just passed … a new bill on education. 4. he is not popular. i don’t think people will vote … him. 5. who will judge … the next case? 6. judging … nina’s character she won’t
argue. 7. all … all they spent two years in isolation. 8. a bill … gas comes every month.

GAGHHy GAGHHy    1   08.03.2019 17:30    6

keklolcheburek1243 keklolcheburek1243  24.05.2020 07:28

1. Who can make amendments to  the Constitution?

2. When did Japan declare war on Russia?

3. The Congress has just passed  a new bill on education.

4. He is not popular. I don’t think people will vote for him.

5. Who will judge  the next case?

6. Judging by Nina’s character she won’t argue.

7. All  in all they spent two years in isolation.

8. A bill for  gas comes every month.

donya2014 donya2014  24.05.2020 07:28

1. Who can make amendments to the Constitution?

2. When did Japan declare war on Russia?

3. The Congress has just passed -- a new bill on education.

4. He is not popular. I don’t think people will vote for him.

5. Who will judge -- the next case?

6. Judging by Nina’s character she won’t argue.

7. All  in all they spent two years in isolation.

8. A bill for gas comes every month.

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