1. Fill in can or can’t.
1. I watch TV? - No, you. Ann is sleeping.
2. Youpark here. (-)
3. Youeat or drink here. (-)
4. Youtravel abroad. (+)
4.Choose the correct word.
1. I will/won’t see a doctor. It’s too late.
2. Will you travel/travelling abroad?
3. I think he will/is buy ice-cream.
4. She will/ will not do her task. It’s too hard.
5. I think I will/ am see you outside this house.
6. One day I will/ am be famous!

pridanivdanil pridanivdanil    1   17.05.2020 16:42    1

orynbasar2001 orynbasar2001  14.10.2020 21:20
Can, can'tCan'tCan'tCan


Won'tTravelWillWill notWillWill
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