:) 1.everybody wants to know if you his bride. 1.is 2.are 3.was 4.had been 2.as soon as the classes … we shall hurry to the station. 1.will finished 2.will be over 3.is finished 4.are over 3. has clean paper? 1.where 2.why 3.who 4.what 4.you can buy … clothes in this department. 1.a 2.many 3.a little 4.much 5.we take a vacation this month. 1.does not 2.shall not 3.is not 4.are 6.you … going to have dinner there. 1.does 2.was 3.is 4.are 7.i know an advanced geography course now. 1.takes 2.are taking 3.is taking 4.were taking 8.it does not … me long to wash and dress in the morning. 1.took 2.takes 3.take 4.taking 9.i can't see … . 1.they 2.theirs 3.their 4.them 10.did she her plan last month? 1.fulfils 2.fulfil 3.fulfilling 4.fulfilled

jane2284p08aoc jane2284p08aoc    3   09.07.2019 12:10    9

срочно118 срочно118  30.08.2020 15:03
1. are
2. are over
3.  who
4.  many
5.  shall not
6.  are
7.  are taking
8.  take
9.  them
10.  fulfil
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