1. Everybody on the Penzance train is going
a. On holiday b.home c. to the cinema d. to work
2. There are people in the carriage on the Penzance train.
a. two b. three c four d. seven
3. The tall, dark man is going to .
a. Spain b. Italy c.France d. Scotland
4. Bill likes.
a. talking and laughing b. reading and writing c. eating and drinking d. singing and dancing
5. Julie is Bill’s___.
a. friend b.mother c. sister d. wife
6. Julie has long red hair and eyes.
a. light blue b. small brown c. beautiful green d. big grey
7. ___ and Bill go to the restaurant on the train.
a.Julie b. The man in the brown hat c. The tall, dark man d. The two children.
Who said or wrote this?
8. ‘It’s our first holiday. Julie wanted to go Spain but I like St Austell. I always go there for my holiday.
a. Bill b.the man in the brown hat c. the little girl d. the little boy.
9. ‘You are all right sir. The boat doesn’t leave Plymouth before six o’clock. You’ve got lots of time.
a. the man in the brown hat
b. the quard c. Bill d. the tall dark man
10. ‘Go and have your holiday in St Austell. You can have a good time there. Forget about Julie.
a. Bill b. the tall dark man c. the man in the brown hat d. the little girl.

laykutina laykutina    3   11.05.2020 09:37    2

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