1) Education usually starts informally ... the family. a) inside
b) between
2) Formal education usually ... place in schools, colleges and universities.
a) takes
b) took
c) take
3) I think going to a mixed school ... important.
a) was
b) were
c) is
4) After graduating from high school, students may ... university or college.
a) attend
b) attends
c) attended
5) Colleges and universities give bachelor
a) degrees
b) rewards
c) graduates
6) The child learns ... his parents and elders.
a) about
b) from
7) When the child grows up, he/she starts
a) formal education b) formally education c) education formal
8) Students study subjects at an advanced ... .
a) space
b) level
c) degree
c) up

aaa1616 aaa1616    2   07.12.2020 15:04    0

Dianaaaaaaaaaa03 Dianaaaaaaaaaa03  06.01.2021 15:04

1.a 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b


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