1-do you use computers.what for.2-what gadgets will you use in the future.why. 1-вы используете компьютеры.зачем.2-какие гаджеты вы будете использовать в будущем.причина. написать ответы на вопросы на по 8 предложений на 1 вопрос всего 16 предложений должно быть

Катеринка228841 Катеринка228841    3   18.09.2019 02:50    1

GeCUri GeCUri  07.10.2020 23:07
Yes, i do. our lifes without gadgets is hard. it halps me whith homework. i can find everything i want to. from the internet i am finding out a weather forcasts or the world news. i can read every book that ever existed. i can make videos with computer. i can do everything.
2. i often think about future.i image what will people invent. i hope that there will be fling cars and teleporter. it would be fun. nou you are here and in the next moment you are in Hawaii. may be in future will be technology which can be controlling by mind. there also may be invent technology which will halp to patient cancer. new gadgets make our lifes easier.