1. … do it. a) Let’s her b) Let her c) Let she 2. Lora … to Saint Petersburg every holiday. a) go b) went c) goes 3. There … two great wars in the 20th century. a) was b) is с) were 4. The Earth … everything that is needed for life. a) have b) has c) having 5. Who speaks French in your family? I ... . a) have b) do c) am 6. When ... you buy the new TV set? a) did b) were c) are 7. We ... never been to London. a) had b) were c) have 8. Where ... you going when I met you last night? a) did b) were c) are 9. ... your friend like to watch TV in the evening? a) do b) does c) is 10. – What are you doing? – I ... reading a book. a) was b) am c) shall 11. “Translated” означает a) переводить; b) переводящий; c) переведенный 12. The girl … on the sofa is my sister. a) sit; b) sitting; c) sat 13. Is there … milk in the crystal glass? a) some b) any c) no 14. I am sorry I ... see you yesterday. a) can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t 15. Self-conquest is … of victories. a) the greatest b) the greater c) the most greatest 16. The company asked for … information. a) additional b) beautiful c) stupid 17. Somebody has locked the box and I couldn’t … it. a) see b) open c) close 18. “When do you usually get up?” means … . a) go to bed b) wake up c) fall asleep 19. What is the antonym to the word “up”? a) in b) down c) before 20. What is the synonym to the word “to desire”? a) to work b) to speak c) to want Вопросы по лексической теме «Российская Федерация» 1. Where is the Russian Federation situated? 2. What is the total area of the country? 3. What countries does Russia border on? 4. What mountain chain separates Europe from Asia? 5. What mineral resources is the Russian Federation rich in? 6. What great Russians do you know? 7. Who is the Head of State in Russia? 8. What is the capital of Russia? 9. What are the most famous Moscow places of interest? 10. What's the population of modern Moscow? 11. What can tourists visit in Yelets? 12. What is your favorite place in Yelets?

senyaragimovoy1awn senyaragimovoy1awn    1   22.06.2020 18:01    39

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