1. Derek wishes he

harder. He's failed to pass the interview.
2.The students wish their teacher

them homework before the test. There were so many tasks that they did only a third of it.
3. Karen wishes she

so much cake. She's sure she'll put on extra weight.
4. I wish I

in Barcelona longer. But my holiday was over.​

Dragon969 Dragon969    1   27.02.2020 20:34    32

Айхан111111111 Айхан111111111  11.10.2020 14:52

1) Derek wishes he worked harder. He's failed to pass the interview.

2.The students wish their teacher didn't give them homework before the test. There were so many tasks that they did only a third of it.

3. Karen wishes she didn't eat so much cake. She's sure she'll put on extra weight.

4. I wish I stayed in Barcelona longer. But my holiday was over.


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