1. Данные слова поставьте в превосходную степень и дополните ими предложения. bad • big • dangerous • good • interesting • lazy • much/many • narrow • near • small
a) John is the person in the family. Everybody else is small.
b) Fido is definitely the dog in the world! He sleeps all day.
c) What’s the way to get to the town hall? I have no map.
d) Where can I find the museum?
e) Jacob is the player in the football club. He’s so slow.
f) He’s so irritable – the cause will drive him up the wall.
g) The steaks you will get in Canada.
h) It’s great weather! Let’s make the of the day and go out.
i) I believe the alleys can be found in Italy.
j) Some people love doing the sports in the world.

2. За беспорядочно поставленными буквами кроются глаголы в разных формах
a) wnosh
b) kadrn
c) gilokon
d) schoen
e) urn
f) gintirw
g) tea

3. Выберите модальный глагол
a) You can’t / mustn’t / needn’t ask Dad how the new washing machine works. He never goes near one.
b) Tell Lucy she mustn’t / can’t / won’t walk home on her own. It will be dark and it’s a lonely street.
c) The children won’t / can’t / may not eat chocolate right before lunch.
d) Sorry, but I may / will / must go now. My train won’t wait.
e) She may / shall / can play the guitar at the birthday party. Everybody will love to listen to her.
f) You can / may / must have the paper. I’ve read it.
g) I shan’t / can’t / won’t see anything. Are you sure there’s a spot on that tie?

4. Сопоставьте предложения (слева) со словосочетаниями (справа) по смыслу.

a) I’ll leave at one o’clock.
b) I’ll be leaving at one o’clock.
c) I’m going to leave at one o’clock.
d) I’ll have left at one o’clock.
e) I’m leaving at one o’clock.
f) I leave at one o’clock.
A план, идея
B твёрдое намерение
C прогноз
D прибытие/отправление согласно
E в будущем завершённое событие
F событие, которое произойдёт без вмешательства

5) Какие из союзов правильно соединяют части предложения?
a) I always take my umbrella with me because / so that / or it doesn’t rain.
b) Lara didn’t want to go out although / because / and she felt unwell.
c) When / If / Where the music is good we will stay at that club for a while.
d) He didn’t look at me while / after / whereas he had told me.
e) I didn’t know what to do, yet / therefore / so I did nothing.
f) The postman rang when / while / since I was vacuuming, otherwise / unless / so I didn’t hear him.

6. Выберите и поставьте соответствующие вопросительные слова в предложения.
how • why • when • what • who • where • which • whose • how many • what • who
a) saw the accident?
b) -happened before the crash?
c) -did you like the new café?
d) have you been all day?
e)kids cycle to school?
f) shop in this town sells bikes?
g) did you see? Jenny?
h) has she done today?
i) do you get home?
j) didn’t you visit me?
k) bike is green? Yours?

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