1. Complete the tag questions. 1)You can do the job,? 2)You work as a waiter,? 3)You've got a new job,? 4)They never caught the murderer,? 5)He won't get away with it,? 6)Jody's car was stolen,? 2. Complete the sentences with the correct comparatives or superlatives form. 1)My house isn't (easy) to break into as yours. 2)The fire was (serious) than we thought. 3)Because of good behaviour, Jack spent (little) time in prison. 4)The crime rate in this area is the (high) in the city. 5)This is the (frightening) street to walk down alone. 6)Murdering someone is (bad) than burgling a house. 3. Complete the sentences with down, off, on or up. 1)Sam was locked for six months for shoplifting. 2)Jim was let with a warning this time, but next time he will go to prison. 3)This year I took more work than I could manage. 4)The factory closed and a lot of people lost their jobs. 5)William and Tim have set their own Internet bsiness. 6)They were guilty, but because it was their first offence, they got with a small fine. 4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 1)What does she do in her job? - Do you know in her job? 2)Can I send the application by email? - Can I ask send the application by email? 3)Will I paid more on Saturdays? - Could you let me know be paid more on Saturdays? 4)How can I apply for the job? - Can you tell me apply for the job?

YNOCHKA2008 YNOCHKA2008    3   03.12.2020 11:00    50

alena10003 alena10003  03.12.2020 11:10

1)You can do the job,... can't you.?

2)You work as a waiter,. don't you...?

3)You've got a new job,... haven't you..?

4)They never caught the murderer,. didn't they?

5)He won't get away with it,...will he...? 6)Jody's car was stolen,.. wasn't it..?

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