1* complete the sentences with the correctform of the verbs in brackets. what type ofconditional is each sentence, 0 or 1st? | 1 if you like extreme sports, you (love) extreme ironing! 2 unless the weather gets better, we (not/go) to the beach.3 when ocean waves (erode) cliffs,sea caves form.4 if you boil water, it .. (produce)steam.5 if sea levels rise drastically, low-lyingislands .. (vanish).6 if beth comes paintballing with us, she.. (have) a great time.​

dariadaria2007 dariadaria2007    2   17.03.2019 16:34    17

HeU3BecN0cTb HeU3BecN0cTb  25.05.2020 20:52
1. Will love;
2. Won't go;
3. Erode;
4. Produces;
5. Vanish;
6. Will have.
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