І! 1 complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 the number of people who take part in internet discussion forums ) very quickly now. 2 she's got a part-time job for the summer - ) as a waitress. 3 my friend mark is in the scouts. he /go) camping at the weekend. 4 i (never see) hannah any more - she ) for her exams these days. 5 most of the kids in my class (usually/listen) to soul and hip hop. 6 (you/still/belong) to that judo club? 7 she's not here at the moment - she ) a friend. can i take a message? 2 complete the sentences with the correct alternatives. 1 at the moment , i of new friends. a) are joining b) ‘s making c) ‘m making d)makes 2 the supporters club’s internet address? a) are…knowing b) does…know c) can…know d) do…know 3 he the club’s newsletter. a)writes b)is writing c)write d)doesn’t write 4 the french this week. a) meets b) aren’t meeting c) isn’t meeting d) doesn’t meet 5 fans to the match by train today? a)is…travel b) are…travelling c) do…travelling d)is… travelling 6 the club’s committee a lot at the moment. a)argue b)argues c)is arguing d)are arguing 7 this year the number of club very quickly. a) is growing b) grows c) are growing d) growing 8 in britain, people more money to animal charities than to children’s charities. a) are giving b)aren’t giving c) doesn’t give d) give 9 to the scouts? a) is…belonging b) does… belong c) do… belong d)do… belongs

annswi annswi    2   24.05.2019 22:40    1

Asylai5A Asylai5A  20.06.2020 21:20
1. Grows 2. Works 3. Often goes. 4. Studies. 5. Usually listen. Do you still. Is visiting.
C. D. A. D. B. D. B. d. A
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