1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Past Perfect)
1 I didn’t go out last night because I
(finish) all my work.
2 I (see) the film before so I
didn’t go with Tim.
3 When we arrived at the station, the train
(already leave).
4 My parents came round to dinner on Saturday.
They (meet) Phil before.
5 I (plan) to go to London last
weekend but I didn’t have enough money.
6 Jane (phone)
before you left the party?
7 He (be) to prison three times by
the age of 25.
2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1 ‘I’ve been to the bank,’ said Frank.

2 ‘I really want to be a doctor,’ said Alex.

3 ‘I don’t like violent films, Chris,’ said my

4 ‘The young boy took my bag,’ said the old

5 ‘We’re watching the people in that house,’
said the police officers.

6 ‘I didn’t see the robbery,’ said the girl.

7 ‘Danny hasn’t asked me about my holiday,’
said Pete.

3 Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.
1 My boyfriend said last night that he had lost
his mobile.

2 My dad said he was too ill to go to work.

3 They said they were meeting at the café at
4.30 p.m.

4 The teacher said I was too late for the lesson.

5 Jackie said the concert hadn’t started yet.

6 The interviewer said he was looking for
someone with a lot of experience.

Herty22436 Herty22436    3   27.04.2021 16:18    8

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