1. Complete the sentences with somebody. something, somewhere,
anyoody, anything and anywhere.
1) I saw something far in the distance.
2) There is
at the door.
3) It was so dark that I couldn't see
4) I'm thirsty. I want
to drink.
5) Did
phone me while I was out?
6) Did he travel
last year?
7) We didn't know
at the party.
wants to talk to you.
9) She can't do
without his help.
10) Let's go
together next Saturday.

Uzdenova2005jam Uzdenova2005jam    1   15.04.2020 15:48    2

link21 link21  13.10.2020 07:26

1. Complete the sentences with somebody. something, somewhere,

anybody, anything and anywhere.

1) I saw something far in the distance.

2) There is somebody at the door.

3) It was so dark that I couldn't see anything.

4) I'm thirsty. I want something to drink.

5) Did anybody phone me while I was out?

6) Did he travel anywhere last year?

7) We didn't know anybody at the party.

8) Somebody wants to talk to you.

9) She can't do anything without his help.

10) Let's go somewhere together next Saturday.

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