(1)Complete the gaps with the correct prefixes. 1. It'slegal to drive without a helmet. 2. I'll have to wait until Monday to take my exam. 3. The kindest word in all the world is the kind word said. 4. What English words do you often spell? 5. Does your mum often cook meat? 6. This bar is open to people who are residents. 7. The great enemy of clear language is sincerity. 8. Silence is often interpreted but never quoted. 9. We were better than them, but one day they_ played us and we lost the match. 10.My boss never says"Thank you".I feel really valued and unwanted. . (2)Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. 1. You should be a mechanic. You are very good your hands. 2. It's easy to say 'sorry' but actions louder than words. 3. I must get this work finished or my will be mud. 4. Our boss is very angry today. Who has his cage? 5. The thieves made a noise which their hiding place to the police. of ? 6. I've told you my opinion. What's your 7. He didn’t get the job because he as a bit too confident and arrogant in the interview. 8. Bob shows a complete of in sports. He doesn’t even like football.

jul45 jul45    2   02.12.2020 21:13    0

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