1. Complete the dialogue. Use the verbs in brackets and will or going to. Sam: Hi Nina! What are you going to do (do) this evening? Anything nice?
Nina: I don’t know. I think I 1(watch) TV.
Sam: Bill and I 2(see) the new James Bond film. Do you want to come?
Nina: What time 3 (meet)?
Sam: 6.30. We 4(have) a pizza before we go to the cinema.
Nina: That sounds nice. Just a minute. I 5 (text) my mum.
2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets.
1. Elizabeth’s grandparents lived in a little, white house next to a big, dark forest. (dark/little/big/white)
2. We saw a woman in a dress. (pink/blonde/tall/long)
3. the man had hair and eyes. (fair/grey/cold/short)
4. After a day at work, it was nice to jump into the water of the swimming pool. (long/blue/cool/hot)
5. The sun was shining like a ball in the sky. (yellow/ blue/big/ cold)
Task 3. Read the text below and complete the task.
Summer Holidays
I always enjoy summer. Do you? In summer, I like to relax and forget about school. I don't have to get up early and I can see my friends any time I want.
I like to spend my holidays with my parents. We usually go somewhere with our parents. We love to swim, lie in the sun, but most of all I prefer going camping. We go to different places in Britain and sometimes abroad. In Britain, I like going to Devon, Somerset and Scotland – but my favourite place of all is Yorkshire. It has a lovely countryside and fantastic old buildings. The only problem is the weather!
Last summer, I had two holidays. One was in Somerset, in a little village by the sea, and another was in Naples, in Italy. I went with my mother to Italy – by train! It was unforgettable! Sam, 12 Britain
Mark the sentences True or False.
Example: Sam finds summer an enjoyable season. True
1. Sam usually has a relaxing timetable in summer.
2. Sam prefers not to remember about school during vacation time.
3. Sam wants to spend his holiday with his friends than with his parents.
4. Lying in the sun is Sam’s favorite activity during holiday.
5. He dislikes weather in Yorkshire.
6. The most exciting experience was a trip to Somerset.

coollest coollest    1   01.03.2021 07:42    6

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