. 1.Complete as in the fax message:

In accordance with ... Contract we are informing you of Group.

In accordance ... we are attaching ...

As to the Group Leader we are ...

This will enable you to reserve ... time.

It will enable the participants to plan ... visits about which we spoke ..

2.Complete as in the fax message and make similar sentences:

The arrival date is ... and the flight number ... 241.

We have also made ... return ... November.

Please send us ... invitation to support ... Embassy.

Please also send us the time-table showing ... topics of.

Please also send us the time-table showing ... external ...

You must know Mr. Lvov. He has been to ... with...

He speaks ... and he knows his business ...

He will be of ... If you have any queries ... contact us.

dianasemernjap036ew dianasemernjap036ew    3   24.01.2022 02:25    2

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