1. Circle the correct item. (Обведите правильный вариант). 1. I’m British. I’m from … . A the USA B the UK C Canada 2. Kelly lives on the … floor. A one B two C ground 3. Peacocks have got beautiful … . A feathers B horns C fur 4. There … three desks in the room. A is B are C be 5. Has Pete got … book? A those B these C this 6. He’s got … eraser in his pencil case. A a B an C -- 7. Those paintings … very old. A is B are C have 8. There are many books … the table. A on B in C next 9. Eleventh, …, thirteenth. A twelveth B twentyth C twelfth 10. This is my brother. Look at … . A his B him C it 11. Those … are my teachers. A women B woman C wemen 12. … go! I want to talk to you. A Do B Doesn’t C Don’t

taganrog123 taganrog123    2   20.05.2020 13:53    17

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