1. circle. 1.the baby must / mustn't go to bed early. 2.we must / mustn't read lots of books. 3. you must / mustn't help your mum. 4. you must / mustn't ride a bike at school. 5.i must / mustn't write on the walls. 2. circle. 1. mum is carrying a heavy bag. can you help she i her? 2. he's playing basketball. look at me i him. 3. you and jack came first in the olympics. here's a prize for you i us. 4. i'm skiing! look at me i him 5. we're at a party. come and dance with us i you! 3. put the correct preposition. 1.i go every day. 2.he combs his hair the morning. 3. i slept . 4. we went home seven o’clock. 5. tuesday i usually play with my friends.

aielstar aielstar    2   01.09.2019 08:00    1

alex8353 alex8353  06.10.2020 09:32
1. must
2. must
1. to
2. in
3. last
4. on
5. on
2 не знаю
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