1. Choose the correct words for the following definitions. There are three extra words. misunderstanding /frustrated / to encourage / to put pressure on smb/ an impact/ to interact/ to blame / to treat / falling apart/ to take for granted / to thrive / to bring out 1) It is a powerful effect that somebody or something has on another person. 2) It is a disagreement or quarrel. 3) It means to force or strongly persuade somebody to do something. 4) It meant to underestimate the value of, to fail to appreciate. 5) It means to give somebody the desire, confidence and enthusiasm to do well. 6) It means to be depressed and constantly think what's bad in your life. 7) It is when you are fun, successful, happy and having good times. 8) It means feeling distress and annoyance resulting from an inability to change or achieve something. 9) It means make someone or something show a quality that they have. 2. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas. 1) I like people who are because 2) I don't like people who are because 3) My best friend is and

milka20182 milka20182    2   11.11.2021 23:00    2

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