1 Choose the correct word or phrase. Airports can be difficult. I travelled to Rome with my family last month. I was very excited when the plane (1) landed/took off in Rome but after we got inside the airport, I was quite angry and (2) successful/ upset. We got off the plane and the security guard checked my (3) baggage/ passport. He looked at the photo and he started to (4) shake/wave his head. He didn't think it was me! I was (5) upset/lucky because my dad was there to talk to him. The security guard let me go, so we got our (6) baggage/ passenger and left. After our holiday was over, we had another problem at the airport. They put my bags through the scanner and they saw sharp (7) metal/ cotton objects inside. They said the objects could hurt another (8) emergency/passenger on the plane, and I had to leave them! I was (9) extremely/lucky sad as these were the gifts for my friends! I was glad when the plane (10) took off landed and we left for home. I had fun in Rome. but I didn't like the airport at all!

zvon007 zvon007    1   22.04.2021 10:54    23

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