1 Choose the correct question tag.
1 You saw the news about the earthquake,
haven't you / didn't you?
2 Peter's new video camera is fantastic,
doesn't it / isn't it?
3 There are lots of great jobs in the media,
aren't there / isn't there?
4 That man hasn't been a journalist for
very many years, hasn't he/has he?
5 You're very comfortable in front of a camera,
aren't you/won't you?
6 That radio station doesn't play good music,
does it / doesn't it?
7 Eva is working for a fashion magazine,
doesn't she/ isn't she?
8 Your brother will be a very good writer
one day, won't he/ isn't he?

raminowka raminowka    2   21.04.2020 20:09    0

flelf flelf  04.09.2020 09:45

1-didn't you

2-isn't it

3-aren't there

4-has he

5-aren't you

6-does it

7-isn't she

8-won't he

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