1.Choose the correct form. (Выбрать правильную форму)

1. We …….every day.

a) are working b)work c)worked

2……they help their parents tomorrow?

a) will b)did c)do

3.My sister often ….. breakfast

a) is cooking b)cook c)cooks

4.She …….homework now

a)will do b)did c)is doing

5..I….. London already

a)have visited b)visit c)visited

6.She …..in the park yesterday

a)is walking b)was walking c)walked

7.They …TV yesterday at 6 o’clock

a)watch b)were watching c)are watching

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the right words.

(Прочитать и перевести текст, заполнить пропуски правильными словами)

Next Sunday will be an 1)…day for our family. It will be our 2)… birthday. My brother Nick decided to buy a present for her. Our mother is 3)… of 4)… operas, so Nick is 5)… to find a CD with her 6)…. serial. I think she will enjoy 7)… it without annoying 8)….

Our mum has 9)…. She likes eating sweet things like pudding, pies, biscuits, cakes, rolls, jams any time. And I want to cook a 10)…cake for her 11)…. It is not easy but I hope that I will cope with it. I think it is a great pleasure to make our close people happy.

1. a) usual 2. a) mothers’ 3. a) like 4. a) theatre 5. a) going 6. a) loving 7. a) watch 8. a) advert 9. a) a sweet tooth 10.a) taste 11.a) herself b) bad b) mother’s b) enjoy b) show b) want b) favourite b) seeing b) comedy b) sweets b) delicious b) himself c) unusual c) mothers c) fond c) soap c) decide c) like c) watching c) programme c) a good taste c) funny c) myself

leyla210 leyla210    3   27.04.2020 11:42    6

ludmilacernakov ludmilacernakov  27.04.2020 12:30
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