1. choose the correct form: a) to spend b)spend c)spending d)spent 2.choose the correct form: why the party tonight? a)go b)to go c)going d)went 3.choose the correct form: we are going hiking. what about ? a)join b)to join c)joing d)joined 4.choose the correct form: how long ? a) b) living c) d) 5. complete the sentence with the correct variant of the main verb. do you think the book is a)reading b)read c)to read d)be read 6. choose the right preposition. they were always interested history films a)in b)on c)for d)about 7. choose the right preposition. tom is looking his friend. a)at b)after c)forwarg d)for you

Катикини Катикини    3   16.07.2019 09:20    0

sinyavska1988 sinyavska1988  21.09.2020 09:29
2. А 3. А 4.D 5. B 6. - 7. B
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