1) can he … english? a) speaks b) speaking c) speak d) to speak 2) what time … lunch? a) does jack has b) jack has c) do jack has d) does jack have 3) … you written the letter to our teacher? a) shall b) will c) have d) having 4) when … her homework? a) ella usually does b) does ella do usually c) usually does ella d) does ella usually do 5) if you work hard, you … your exams well. a) pass b) will pass c) have passed d) are passing 6) he has three children, … he? a) don’t b) hasn’t c) haven’t d) hadn’t 7) my brother … too young to do this work. a) are b) does c) is d) has 8) he … friends in many towns. a) is b) are c) have d) has 9) he … a letter to his friend yesterday. a) wrote b) will write c) is writing d) have written 10) peter is not at the university now, he … in his room. a) read b) was reading c) is reading d) has read 11) he … taking his exam just now. a) will b) has c) is d) was 12) has fred got his books now? yes, my brother … yesterday. a) has given them to him b) gave them to him c) gave to him them d) has given to him them 13) where … on sundays? a) do mike do b) mike goes c) mike does go d) does mike go 14) … you read anything by dickens? a) are b) were c) have d) was 15) they invited him yesterday but he … . a) didn’t yet say that yes b) didn’t yet say yes c) hasn’t yet said that yes d) hasn’t said yes yet 16) if i … james i … happy to give him the present. a) will see … am b) see … will be c) see … am d) will see … will be 17) she’d written that before, …? a) didn’t she b) wouldn’t she c) hadn’t she d) shouldn’t she 18) which … the longest river in great britain? a) has b) have c) is d) does 19) her sister … many english magazines. a) is b) has c) have d) are 20) a cat is … animal. a) a b) an c) the d) – 21) the students … in the country next summer. a) work b) are working c) will work d) have worked 22) children … in the garden now. a) play b) have played c) plays d) are playing 23) … he many good ideas? a) have b) has c) are d) is 24) every old palace has … strange stories. a) his b) their c) a d) its 25) why … you writing with a pencil? a) do b) have c) had d) are 26. the letter … in pencil and it was difficult to read it. a) is writing b) has written c) writes d) was written 27. ‘anna karenina’ … by l.tolstoi. a) has written b) was written c) was writing d) wrote 28) these new houses … two years ago. a) were built b) have built c) build d) building 29) but the new school … next year. a) will build b) will be building c) has built d) will be built 30) john speaks english, but …? a) does margaret b) speaks margaret c) margaret speaks d) margaret does

zaobogdan zaobogdan    3   26.05.2019 03:20    2

Kraddy14 Kraddy14  22.06.2020 12:12
1) c
2) a
3) c
4) d
5) b
6) b
7) c
8) d
9) a
10) c
11) c
13) d 
19) b 
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