1.billy his room yet. hasn't tidied didn't tidy doesn't tidy 2. jane dinner when the phone rang. was cooking cooked has cooked 3. you help me to carry this bag? it is very heavy. could must should 4. he doesn't like to watch films. he goes to the cinema. usually seldom often 5. this is exercise i have ever done. difficult more difficult the most difficult 6. there isn't milk in the fridge. we need to buy . no, some any, some some, any 7. if we hurry up, we miss the bus. don't, will aren't, - won't, will 8. i a cup of green tea, please. need like would like 9. you met john yesterday, you? did didn't have 10. this picture by pablo picasso. was painted painted is painted

deniscv0808 deniscv0808    1   07.09.2019 19:00    2

PolyaBarane PolyaBarane  06.10.2020 23:32
1. hasn't tidied
2. was cooking
3. could
4. seldom
5. the most difficult
6. any/some
7. don't/will
8. would like
9. didn't
10. was painted
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