1. артикли: an, a, the. 2. употребляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. 1)yesterday i (to be) at the cinema. 2)how much (to pay) you (to pay) for this book? 3)have you (to see) the new film about sportsmen? 4)they have (to get) on a number four bus.

Senenadasha2017 Senenadasha2017    2   02.09.2019 00:20    2

Alihan184 Alihan184  06.10.2020 10:46
1) Yesterday I was at the cinema.
2) How much did you pay for this book?
3) Have you seen the new film about sportsmen?
4) They have got on a Number Four bus.
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