1.are you from )yes,we are. 2.are you and your famili on )no,she isn"t 3.are your mum and dad )no,i"m not. 4.is your cousin )yes,he is. 5.is trumpet your friend? -e)no,they aren"t. нужно соединить

chapllinshow chapllinshow    2   03.07.2019 04:50    3

matveiarzhanoff matveiarzhanoff  27.07.2020 08:17
1. Are you from England? - c) No, I'm not.
2. Are you and your family on holiday? - a) Yes, we are.
3. Are your mum and dad here?  - e) No, they aren't.
4. Is your cousin shy? --- b) No, she isn't.
5. Is Trumpet your friend?- d) Yes, he is.
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