1. Are the sentences true or false?
1) The ACF organization is only for young people.
2) You need to have special qualifications 10 join the ACF.
3) You will need a few evenings a week to gain some soldiers' skills.
4) After the ACF, you can train for the Army Proficiency Certificate.
5) Adult volunteers said that after finishing the ACF they benefited in their jobs.
2. Complete the sentences with the words.
1) There are more than groups in the UK that young people can join.
2) Cadets can join at the age of
3) The aim of the ACF is to make every cadet do their
4) Older cadets can get in some activities.
5) Cadets take part in that help the community
3. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
1) Would you like to join the Army Cadet Force (ACF)? Why? Why not?
2) What do community projects include?​

muradir1102 muradir1102    1   05.03.2020 22:44    4

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