1. Ann`s little sister …….. to play with her doll.

a) is liking b) like c) likes d) is likes

2. Sue …… for 20 years.

a) have been teaching b) has been teaching c) has taught d) have taught

3. He ………. Japanese.

a) don't speaks b) not speak c) isn't speaking d) doesn't speak

4. I … him yesterday.

a) meeted b) met c) meet d) did meet

5. The children …….. tennis from 3 till 4 tomorrow.

a) will play b) will playing c) will be playing

6. Dann …….. the house next spring.

a) will move b) will moves c) will be moving d) wills move

7. …… you …… at the university?

a) Does … study? b) Are… studying? C) Do… study D) Is … studying

8. I …… already …… up. Now I can relax.

a) have … washed b) have been … washing c) has … washed

9. We …… for you since 5 o'clock.

a) wait b) have been waiting c) have waited d) are waiting

10. John ……… his t-shirt when Ann ………… in.

a) washed, was coming b) was washing, came c) washed, comed d ) was washing, was coming

11. What ….. he ……. at the moment?

a) does… doing b) does… do c) do… does d) is … doing

12. He … just … his work. Now he can go for a walk.

a) has… finished b) haves… finished c) have been… finishing

13. The women ……... in the sea now.

a) are swimming b) is swimming c) are swiming d) swims

dgumaeva17 dgumaeva17    2   21.05.2020 09:27    0

vikavika1417 vikavika1417  24.08.2020 20:25


2.has been teaching

3.doesnt speak


5.will be playing

6.will be moving

7.are, studying

8.have been, washing

9.have been waiting

10.was washing, came

11.is, doing

12.has, finished

13.are swimming


Смари сюда, в первых номерах has/likes/doesn't, потому что это третье лицо, когда третье лицо - всегда на конце s

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